Dr. Agnes Galambosi Ozelkan

Dr. Agnes Galambosi Ozelkan

Academic Advisor / Lecturer
Industrial and Systems Engineering


  • Ph.D., Systems and Industrial Engineering, The University of Arizona
  • M.S., Systems Engineering, The University of Arizona
  • B.S., Meteorology, Eotvos Lorand University


  • SEGR 4141 Engineering Experimental Design
  • SEGR 3110 System Design & Deployment
  • OPER 3100 Operations Management
  • MEGR 2240 Computational Methods for Engineers
  • HADM 6081 Decision Analysis in Healthcare


  • Environmental systems modeling
  • Lean systems
  • Supply chain management
  • Decision and risk analysis
  • Educational aspects of engineering

Recent Publications

  • Ozelkan, E. C. and A. Galambosi, 2008, Lampshade Game for Lean Manufacturing, (accepted) Production Planning and Control.
  • Galambosi, A., Ozelkan, E.C. and L. Duckstein (2008), The Impact of ENSO and Macrocirculation Patterns on Precipitation Under Climate Change, Journal of Environmental Geology, Available online, DOI : 10.1007/s00254-008-1572-x.
  • Ozelkan, E. C. and A. Galambosi, “When Does RFID Make Business Sense for Managing Supply Chains?”, International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 1(1): pp.15-47, 2008.`
  • Galambosi, A., Duckstein, L., Ozelkan, E. and I. Bogardi, “Fuzzified effect of ENSO and macrocirculation patterns on precipitation: an Arizona case study”, International Journal of Climatology, 19(13): 1411-1426, 1999.
  • Ozelkan, E.C., Galambosi, A., Duckstein, L. and A. Bardossy, “A multiobjective fuzzy classification of large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns for precipitation modeling”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 91(2-3): 127-142, 1998.