Dr. Ertunga C. Ozelkan

Dr. Ertunga C. Ozelkan
Professor, Associate Director of CLLES
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Personal Website
- Ph.D., Systems and Industrial Engineering, The University of Arizona
- M.S., Systems Engineering, The University of Arizona
- B.S., Civil Engineering, Bogazici University
- ENGR 1202 Introduction to Engineering Practices and Principles II
- ETIN 2123 Production Control Systems
- SEGR 3101 System Design and Deployment
- SEGR 3107 Decision and Risk Analysis
- SEGR 3290 Senior Design-I
- SEGR 3291 Senior Design-II ENGR 4090 Lean Manufacturing Systems
- SEGR 4101 Network Modeling & Analysis
- SEGR 4141 Engineering Experimental Design
- EMGT 6090 Designing and Managing Supply Chains
- EMGT 6090 Lean Supply Networks
- EMGT 6090 Lean Practice and Management
- EMGT 6905 Designed Experimentation
- EMGT 6915 Engineering Decision Analysis
- EMGT 6952 Engineering Systems Optimization
- MBAD 6141 Operations Management
- Lean Six Sigma System Design and Deployment
- Logistics and Supply Chain Design and Planning
- Production and Distribution Planning
- System Optimization
- Non-Linear Simulation Optimization
- Network Modeling and Optimization
- Heuristics Development for Solving Large Scale Optimization Problems
- Multi-criteria decisions and risk analysis
- Fuzzy Regression and Fuzzy-rule based modeling
- Simulation Games for Systems and Industrial Engineering Education
Recent Publications
- Ozelkan, E. C. and M. Cakanyildirim, 2009, Reverse Bullwhip Effect in Pricing, European Journal of Operational Research, 192, 302-312, Available Online in 2007: doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2007.09.009.
- Ozelkan, E. C. and A. Galambosi, 2009, Lampshade Game for Lean Manufacturing, Production Planning and Control, 20(5), 385-402.
- Ozelkan, E. C., A. D’Ambrosio, and S. G. Teng, 2008, Optimizing Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal Design for Effective Supply Chain Operations, International Journal of Production Economics, 111 (2), 529-542.
- Ozelkan, E. C. and A. Galambosi, 2008. When Does RFID Make Business Sense for Managing Supply Chains?, International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 1 (1), 15-47.
- Ozelkan, E. C., and M. Cakanyildirim, 2007, Resource Downgrading, European Journal of Operational Research, 177 (1), 572-590.
- Ozelkan, E. C. and L. Duckstein, 2000, Multi-objective fuzzy regression: a general framework, Computers and Operations Research, Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support with Multiple Criteria 27(7-8), 635-652
- Ozelkan, E. C. and L. Duckstein, 1999, Optimal fuzzy counterparts of scheduling rules, European Journal of Operational Research, 113 (3), 593-599.
- Ozelkan, E. C., A. Galambosi, E. Fernandes, and L. Duckstein, 1997, Linear quadratic dynamic programming for water reservoir management, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 21, 591-598.