Dr. Yesim Sireli

Dr. Yesim Sireli
Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Personal Website
- Ph.D., Engineering Management, Old Dominion University
- M.S., Electrical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
- B.S., Electrical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
- EMGT 6142 – INES 8090 Quality and Manufacturing Management
- EMGT 6904 – INES 8090 Product & Process Design
- EMGT 6910 – INES 8090 Technological Decision Making
- EMGT 6930 – INES 8090 Capital Cost Estimating
- EMGT 4090 Quality Management for Engineering Operations
- Global product innovation, development and marketing
- Customer-oriented product development and strategic planning
- Business forecasting
- Market analyses and feasibility studies, business case development
- Quality management
Recent Publications
- Yesim Sireli and Charles A. Mengers, Need for Change towards Systems Thinking in the U.S. Nuclear Industry, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 239-253, 2009.
- Yesim Sireli, Paul Kauffmann, and Erol Ozan, Integration of Kano’s Model into QFD for Multiple Product Design. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 380-390, 2007.
- Erol Ozan, Yesim Sireli, and Paul Kauffmann, A New Market Adoption Model for the Information Systems Industry, Engineering Management Journal, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 16-24, 2007.
- Paul Kauffmann, Erol Ozan, and Yesim Sireli, Feasibility of TAMDAR: An Aircraft-based Weather Data Collection System, Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 207-215, 2004.
- Yesim Sireli and Erol Ozan, Exploring the Possibility of Change in the US Utilities’ Market Orientation towards More Renewable Energy, International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 60-71, 2013.