Infrastructure and Environmental Systems Ph.D. Program
Doctoral studies in the areas of industrial and systems engineering are available through the interdisciplinary Infrastructure and Environmental Systems (INES) Ph.D. program. This Ph.D. program has a management concentration which is supported by the ISE faculty.
ISE partners with the Ph.D. programs of the Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science departments.. As a result, doctoral studies in the areas of systems engineering and engineering management may be possible through the Ph.D. program in Mechanical Engineering and the Ph.D. program in Electrical Engineering.
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Juliana Kissiwah Somuah
Ph.D. in Infrastructure and and Environmental Systems
“The world is a finite place and populations increase everyday, so the need for more buildings and their maintenance is also constantly increasing. Trained people with the requisite knowledge are in demand. My dream job is managing and maintaining the critical assets of offshore pipelines. I love the challenge this field will pose to me and learning how I will conquer the challenge on a day to day basis.”